Project title : Development of a functional, clinical and hospital-oriented production strategy.
Project Code : NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-033621
Main Purpose : Strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises
Region of intervention : North - Vila Verde
Beneficiary entity: Gelado Colorido - Fabricação de Gelados e Sorvetes, Lda.
Approval Date : 22-02-2018
Start Date : 10-07-2017
End date : 08-07-2020
Cost total eligible : € 1,350,130.00
European Union financial support : FEDER - € 945,091.00
Objectives, Activities and Expected / Achieved Results :
This project is part of a facility's increased capacity typology. The aim is to introduce new product lines, based on IDT processes, thus urging the development of both laboratory production facilities and the expansion of the company's production line to enable it to work with formulations and physicochemical compositions. structurally distinct product Additionally, given the importance of quality in the agri-food sector, the aim is to foster new forms of productive quality control, in order to ensure product compliance with international industry standards. Gelado's strategy aims to enhance a high degree of international product penetration, following a hybrid strategy focused on artisanal ice cream lines, and functional / clinical ice cream line.
Avenida do Montinho, 9 - Lage
4730 - 244 Vila Verde
Telephone: +351 253 927 769
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